
Posted by bhans in ,

A few years back I wanted to create a salt water fishtank. I didnt know anything about how to do it. So I did what I always do and hit the web for some research. I soon found a great forum where people were talking and sharing all about their fishtanks. I decided that I would dive in and start my own thread to document my project. My first post spoke of my plan and what I had so far. I had a freshwater tank already with a single goldfish whose time had come. I made some kind of joke about how I was going to send him on the porcelain roller coaster.

The next morning I checked my post to see if anyone had viewed it. Not only had it been viewed but it had quite a few comments.

I was so excited.

As I read the comments, there was no help offered, no comments about my plan, no input. All of the comments were from people who wanted to tell me how evil I was to get rid of the goldfish this way. As I tried to justify my point, it just got worse and eventually the moderator took the thread offline because it was too 'heated'. Imagine that a fish post ... heated.

My point in this story is that I have been following the #wa tag on Twitter with so much excitement. Almost daily I see many links and tips and great advice on Web Analytics. Just recently there have been a few posts speaking of how frustrating it is to help people and doing so is creating a generation of laziness.

I couldn't disagree more. If these guys only knew how much they have helped me as I sit on the sidelines and read their Tweets and blog posts etc. I wonder if they would say the same thing.

I believe that there are no such things as dumb questions. Twitter is a great tool because it is what you will it to be.

Thank you to those of you who have suggested and created the #wa tag. I will continue to use it as a great reference. I just wanted to make a post to my lonely blog because I felt I needed more than 140 characters.


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